Fundraising helpers

Bamford Preschool has been given a huge boost of £500 from local fundraisers Paul Fathers and Chris McVeigh. 

Paul and Chris organised the fundraiser ‘PF Mini League’ where people are entered into a football team sweepstake with cash prizes.

Bamford Preschool leader Hannah Ollerenshaw commented, “We are absolutely delighted with the fundraising efforts of Paul and Chris.  As a small, local charity donations such as this enable us to purchase equipment and resources that promote the children’s learning and development.  We would like to say a huge thankyou to Paul and Chris for their generosity and to all of the local community who have taken part in this fundraiser.”

Bamford Preschool is open Monday – Friday during term time.

For more information please call 07591979051
Or email


A boost to Bamford Pre-school’s gardening and water play thanks to Severn Trent

As for everyone, the last few months have been very strange for Bamford Pre-school, usually at this time of year we would be highlighting the many visitors and trips we have enjoyed. Instead, over the last few months the team and committee have worked hard in challenging circumstances to support all our children and families. We were delighted to re- open as soon as we were allowed, albeit it to reduced numbers due to government guidance, with our support focused on our key worker children and helping our school leavers be ‘big school ready’ for September.

Everyone at Bamford Pre-school is looking forward to having all our wonderful pre-schoolers and new starters back. We plan and hope this will be from September (depending on the current government guidance at that time).

Bamford Pre-school loves the outdoors, and, over the last few months, our pre-schoolers’ ‘green fingers’ have certainly been in action, planting and tending to our ever-expanding flower and vegetable beds. Fortunately our pre-schoolers’ green fingers will benefit from an extra boost thanks to Severn Trent. As part of Severn Trent’s commitment to their local community, their Bamford base has kindly donated over £150 worth of equipment including watering cans, garden tools, water toys, a water butt and a much needed outdoor storage unit. This donation will enhance pre-school’s current toys and equipment helping our little ones learn through nature and water play, as well as looking after our natural environment.
Huge thanks to Severn Trent for the generous donation.

Despite Covid-19 resulting in many planned fundraising events being cancelled or rescheduled, Bamford Pre-school’s efforts have been well supported by the generosity of so many pre-school’s supporters:

  • Thanks to family, friends and neighbours’ sponsorship, our pre-schoolers litter pick challenge raised over £550
  • £150 was raised by our talented pre-schoolers creating wonderful artwork for keepsake bags
  • Donations from Bamford residents and beyond enabled our charity bag collection to bring in £500 – a record collection for pre-school.

As Caroline Hunter, Pre-school Leader commented “There is no doubt that the last few months have been challenging for all of us. However we feel very fortunate at Bamford Pre- school – the dedication of the staff & the committee, our understanding families and support from all pre-school’s friends have been fantastic. And of course, our wonderful pre-schoolers whose thirst for knowledge and fun never diminishes! We are really looking forward to the next academic year and would like to take this opportunity to thank all our supporters, friends and families who help make Bamford Pre-school the special place it is for our children!”

Bamford Pre-school is open Monday – Friday during term time.
For more information please visit:, call 07591 979051 or email:


Thank you for supporting Bamford Pre-school’s successful litter pick!

Usually during the summer term, Bamford Pre-school undertakes a litter pick as a collective group as part of their focus on outdoor learning. However, given covid-19 restrictions, this year there was a twist – our children and families rose to the challenge of individual litter picks with gusto! 

Over the month of June, our pre-schoolers did a fantastic job tidying up Bamford and surrounding areas kitted out with litter pickers courtesy of Bamford Parish Council. Thanks to the generosity of you – our wonderful families, friends, neighbours and pre-school supporters – our challenge raised over a whopping £550 for pre-school. This sponsorship will make a massive difference to pre-school, especially as many of our scheduled fundraising events had to be cancelled given the current climate. 

Tom Lewis, Peak Park Ranger, usually joins Bamford Pre-school’s litter picks and works with staff to encourage our pre-schoolers to look after the local environment and be ‘good citizens’ said: “I’ve really missed joining Bamford Pre-school’s litter pick this summer, but am impressed and delighted that they are still taking on the challenge despite the strange times we are in. Enthusing the next generation with a love of the great outdoors and community spirit is so important and we are in the perfect setting, within Britain’s first National Park. Well done to everyone at Bamford Pre-school for their commitment to this.”

Caroline Hunter, Bamford Pre-school Leader commented “Our children take a real pride in looking after their local environment. We are all very proud of their efforts and are grateful to everyone’s support through sponsorship. Thank you”

The litter pick is part of Bamford Pre-school’s ethos as an active member of the local community. 

Bamford Pre-school is open Monday – Friday during term time, creating a fun learning environment, helping each child develop their social skills, creativity and confidence in preparation for school.  

For more information please visit:, call 07591 979051 or email:

Sponsored walk and litter pick

Do you want to help with Bamford Pre-school’s latest fundraiser and our biggest litter pick challenge to date?

Usually in the Summer term, pre-school enjoys a fun day with a Park Ranger learning about the importance of protecting our local environment, including a local litter pick. Given Covid-19 we can’t do this this term but we would still like to share this learning.

Coupled with this, pre-school has lost out on vital funds due to the pandemic through cancelled planned fundraising events and lost funding from fees. As a small local charity this has a significant impact so the need to raise funds is bigger than ever. We want to ensure pre-school can continue to provide a fun, nurturing setting for our wonderful pre-schoolers and families, now and for future years. To assist with this, we need your help please!

We are inviting all our pre-schoolers to litter pick in their local area whilst walking one mile in the process. This means as a collective effort, our pre-schoolers will have walked from Bamford to Sheffield and back TWICE!

The challenge will be done anywhere in or around Bamford, or near our pre-schoolers’ house if they live further away.

Throughout June.

We understand that Covid-19 has had significant negative impacts and brought additional pressures to many but if you feel able to get involved and donate please do. Please also encourage family, friends and neighbours to sponsor pre-school’s challenge – the more support the better!

Funds can be donated though Bamford Pre-school’s Give As You Live fundraising site, using the yellow collection tin in The Anglers Post Office/Cafe area or collected (safely) through the attached sponsorship form fundraising-walk-and-litter-pick-sponsorship-form-june-2020-finalDownload

Please could all funds be given to pre-school by Wednesday 1st July.

Thanks to Bamford & Thornhill Parish Council, we have hand-held litter pickers for our pre-schoolers to use, as well as Hi-Vis vests. To arrange collection of litter pickers and/or Hi-Vis vests, please contact pre-school. All socially distanced guidelines will be followed, cleaned with anti-bacterial spray etc. We would advise all to use your own gloves during your litter pick.

For further guidance on litter picking given Covid-19, please click here

Thank you very much for your support in making this a really successful fundraiser for Bamford Pre-school!


Bamford Pre-schoolers artistically celebrate Spring

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Everyone at Bamford Pre-school has been eagerly awaiting Spring and what better way to celebrate the start of the season than with a fantastic workshop with our ‘artist in residence’, Jenny Mather.

During an engaging creative process, our pre-schoolers used the sounds of nature to inspire their artwork – listening to different bird songs and drawing what they thought the songs and birds would look like. They then moved onto ceramic artwork as the children made ducks out of clay and had artist licence to decorate them; there were some very colourful ducks! The individual artwork was then brought together in a beautiful scene of “New Spring Life” which will be used as the front cover of the Bamford News (April edition).

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Caroline Hunter, Pre-school Leader commented: “Through Jenny’s expertise, our pre-schoolers ‘sprung’ into creativity developing not only a wonderful piece of Spring artwork, but also their ability to use different materials, their imagination, creativity and team work. All the children were rightly proud of their artwork and it is fantastic they can share this with family and friends in the Bamford News magazine. Thank you Jenny for your time, skills and enthusiasm”

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Jenny said: “The creativity from all the pre-schoolers was fantastic to see and be a part of. I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and was amazed at how quickly the children immersed themselves in the process and produced fantastic artwork. It was great to extend my visit to incorporate other expressive arts by singing songs and reading to the children as part of their World Book Week celebrations. A wonderful day!”

The art workshop is part of Bamford Pre-school’s commitment to creating a fun learning environment, helping each child develop their social skills, creativity and confidence in preparation for school.

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Bamford Pre-school is open Monday – Friday during term time, including Breakfast Clubs. For more information please visit:  or call 07591 979051.

‘Merry Christmas’ from everyone at Bamford Pre-school!

The last few weeks have been full of festive fun at Bamford Pre-school. During our craft sessions, our pre-schoolers have been busy using their skills and creative flare to make Christmas decorations and cards, as well as a nativity scene which is displayed in the Methodist Church. We are fortunate that one of our parents was able to share a German tradition of making festive biscuits with a treasured recipe. Our culinary activities were popular with our little ones and their families!

Singing Seniors lunchWe also used the upcoming festivities to think of others by supporting Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper fundraising campaign, and singing at Bamford’s Seniors’ Christmas lunch at The Anglers Rest. We didn’t forget our animal friends either, as we have been looking after them by making bird feeders and food for Santa’s hardworking reindeers.

All the excitement culminated in our Christmas Party where the children enjoyed educational entertainment from ‘Oreo and Friends’ with their menagerie of animals, including armadillos, tarantulas, meerkats and snakes. The children gave a fantastic performance of their Christmas Carols to their family and friends to round off the celebration. An extra special visit from Father Christmas helped ensure that everyone was ready for 25th December!

Caroline Hunter, Pre-school Leader, said “The last few weeks have been busy and extra special full of fun activities for developing skills and thinking of others. Thank you to everyone for your support through our December raffle and ordering our bespoke Christmas decorations which together have raised over £500 – a fantastic amount which will make a real difference. On behalf of all the staff and committee I would like to wish all Bamford Pre-school’s families and friends a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!”

Thanks to Bamford Pre-school supporters!

Squiby donation photoBamford Pre-school was thrilled to be recently chosen as the beneficiary of ‘Squiby’s Pick 6’. A Bamford-based social group, Squiby’s members voted to support pre-school this autumn donating £466 from their local lottery! Squiby (aka Paul Fathers) has been a fantastic supporter of pre-school and in the last year has helped fund extra educational activities and visits. The most recent donation will be partly used to fund a visit to Weston Park Museum – the children and staff are really looking forward to this!

Caroline Hunter, Pre-school Leader commented “As a small local charity donations from supporters like Squiby make a significant difference to pre-school.  It helps to fund extra trips, activities and purchase equipment which are of huge benefit to our children, bringing learning to life. We are very grateful for all the support – both financial and in kind – we receive from the local community. We feel fortunate to have such supportive families and friends of pre-school. Thank you all!”

In recent months, Bamford Pre-school has been successful in grant applications to contribute to our new Forest School initiative. We would like to extend thanks to Carbolite, Alpkit Foundation and the Councillors Initiative Fund (in particular Councillor Charlotte Farrell for supporting our application).  These funds have contributed to training and equipment for our new Forest School activities; an initiative we are really excited about.

Win in pre-school’s December raffle

Pre-school committee, staff and families organise a range of fundraising activities throughout the year to enable us to enhance our offering. Support our next fundraiser by purchasing tickets for our December raffle. There are some fabulous prizes up for grabs, including meals, jewellery and luxury gifts – just in time for Christmas! Tickets can be purchased from pre-school or the Anglers’ Post Office from Sunday 1st December – Wednesday 18th December. Good luck!

Happy Harvesters!

Bamford Pre-school started the new academic year celebrating all things autumnal! This included a visit to a local orchard, where our pre-schoolers enjoyed picking fruit, including blackberries, apples and plums. It was a great opportunity for the children to learn about the lifecycle of plants, the changing seasons and where our food comes from. Our little ones put this learning into practice by making some delicious apple muffins from their harvest!


Caroline Hunter, Pre-school Leader, commented “We aim to tie our learning closely to the world around us, whether this is through trips, visitors, activities and the books we read. Our children loved our orchard trip, from taking the bus, to working together collecting the fruit.”

It wasn’t just a celebration of the nutritious value of fruits but also their artistic value, as the children use ‘blackberry paint’ to create some fantastic masterpieces!


Exploring the world around us is part of Bamford Pre-school’s commitment to creating a fun learning environment. This approach helps each child develop their social skills, creativity and confidence in preparation for school.

Bamford Pre-school is open Monday – Friday during term time, including Breakfast Clubs. Opening hours are:

  • Monday and Wednesday 9am – 1pm
  • Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8am – 3pm

For more information please visit:, call 07591 979051 or email:



Fire engines, Forest School and future fun!

The last few weeks at Bamford Pre-school have been busy, packed with lots of fun and learning. Just before the end of term, Hathersage Fire Brigade visited to teach the children about the importance of fire safety, letting them explore the fire engine and equipment. To great delight, the children were able to use the pressure hose on their teachers who were in full protective clothing. The visit certainly brought learning to life for the children! 

The end of year party was a special celebration for all the pre-school children, in particular those that are moving on to ‘big school’. All the children thoroughly enjoyed their transition week at Bamford Primary, who put on an exciting range of activities to help the children get settled for school in September, including yoga, baking and crafts. The younger children are looking forward to returning to pre-school after the summer holidays for more fun and learning, especially as Bamford Pre-school will be continuing its strong focus on learning through nature and the great outdoors by working to become a Forest School* accredited setting.

Caroline Hunter, Pre-school Leader commented, “We’ve had a great year at pre-school, with so many different activities and lots of learning. We are all very excited about next year; given more demand for our services, we are increasing our hours, establishing our Forest School provision, as well as continuing to organise visitors and trips. We would like to say a big “Thank you” to all our supporters, friends and parents who help make Bamford Pre-school the special place it is for our children!”

Bamford Pre-school is open Monday – Friday during term time, including Breakfast Clubs.  From September, the hours will be:

  • Monday and Wednesday 9am – 1pm 
  • Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8am – 3pm

For more information please visit:, call 07591 979051 or email:

Bamford Pre-school’s supporters can be found at

*Forest School is an inspirational process that helps children develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in the outdoors. Activities include; den building, painting with mud, creating woodland musical instruments and campfires! More information can be found at:

Bamford Pre-school’s little litter pickers

In June, Bamford Pre-school undertook a litter pick around the village led by Peak Park Ranger, Tom Lewis.

The children took their roles responsibly carefully collecting rubbish from around pre-school, the Anglers, the green and the recreation ground. Tom and the pre-school staff highlighted the importance of looking after the local area and being ‘good citizens’. After all their hard work, the children enjoyed a well-earned play at the recreation ground. 

Caroline Hunter, Pre-school Leader commented, “Our partnership with the Peak Park is very important to us. We are grateful to Tom for taking time to highlight to our little ones the importance of looking after our local environment. The children worked very hard and take a real pride in looking after their village. Thank you to all the parents, friends and family who sponsored our litter pick.”

Tom agreed, “We are fortunate to live in such a special and beautiful place. Enthusing the next generation about protecting their local area and community is so important. The children did a great job and it was a really fun day!”

Bamford Pre-school is proud to be an active member of the local community and the litter pick is part of this ethos. 

Bamford Pre-school is open Monday – Friday during term time, including Breakfast Clubs. For more information please visit: or call 07591 979051